Workbooks for English Learners

Family Phonics is a set of 3 workbooks created specifically for Spanish-speaking parents and children learning English. These workbooks can be used in a classroom setting with kids or with their parents for parent engagement and ESL. The set of 60 workbooks includes 3 levels (20 of each level) and covers the core phonics approach to learning vowels, simple words, rhyming words, plus a Parent and Child Activity for home review and practice. Family Phonics™ is also perfect for Title I Parent Involvement, Title III for English Language Development, 21st Century Learning Centers, Afterschool programs, ESL and Migrant Programs.

  • Each book includes a new vocabulary review
  • Spanish support with pictures
  • Short vowels, long vowels
  • Upper case and lower case practice
  • Word and picture match
  • Writing opportunities
  • Fill in the blank with correct word
  • Parent and student activities for home practice

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“We are loving this program!!!”

– Sandra Molina Mullen, Teacher on Special Assignment