3 Signs of a Learning Delay with English Learners

3 Signs of a Learning Delay with English Learners

English Learners (ELs) face exclusive challenges when trying to learn English and navigate the United States (U.S.) school system. Due to languages barriers, it is oftentimes difficult to recognize if ELLs are having trouble in school.  Take a look at 3 signs of a learning delay with ELs.

1) Not Making Progress in School

ELs who aren’t making progress in school are definitely showing signs of a learning delay.  It is important that teachers address parents regarding the lack of progress of their students.  Parents and teachers can discuss the subjects in which students are lacking, and can suggest ways that the children can improve in school.

2) Trouble with Behavioral Basic Skills

Some ELs may have difficulty listening or sitting still.  Others may have trouble finishing tasks, taking directions, and staying organized.  These behavioral flaws are definitely signs that EL students may have some sort of learning delays.  Teachers and parents should discuss whether or not this is a true learning delay or if they are just misbehaving.

3) Difficulty In Native Language

If ELs have difficulty in their native language, as well as in English, this might be proof that they are experiencing a learning delay.  In order to determine if ELs are having difficulty in both their native language and English, teachers can read bilingual books to and with ELs.  When reading in their native language, they should be able to comprehend everything fully.

The Latino Literacy Projects offers teachers the skills needed to prepare them to meet the needs of EL students.  The organization does this via webinars and seminars. Additionally, there are number of books and workbooks from Lectura Books, which teachers can use to help their EL students who demonstrate learning delay.

3 Signs of a Learning Delay with English Learners

3 Signs of a Learning Delay with English Learners