Building Home Libraries for English Learners

One of the services provided by Lectura Books is to work with schools to build lending or home libraries for English learners. The beauty of creating a lending library for students and their families is that it will help them to have the appropriate resources for reading and vocabulary building together. It also provides schools with an opportunity to communicate with parents and share appropriate-level reading materials.

Lending libraries make it possible for you to invite parents and students to choose books to read together at home. If you are interested in making a lending library a central part of your families’ school experience, reinforce the home-school connection, and encourage nightly reading at home, please contact Lectura Books for a quote.

In addition to home libraries for English Learners, The Latino Family Literacy Project™ can train staff to better understand the needs and concerns of Spanish-speaking parents when it comes to education and activities that are feasible at home. LFLP is an award-winning program and is research-based to ensure outcomes that is desired by both parents and schools for academic success.

One of the services provided by The Latino Family Literacy Project™ and Lectura books is to work with schools to build lending libraries for Pre-K, elementary, middle and high schools. The service includes the selection packaging, shipping of the library based on the needs of your school.

Books in Spanish and English for ELL / ESL programs
For example, for Pre-K, we review English-language and bilingual books from a wide array of national publishers. We compile the library according to the type of book and then provide the complete set to the school for its library.

The beauty of creating a lending library for students and their families is that it will help them get excited about school, reading, and vocabulary. It also provides schools with an opportunity to communicate with new parents and share appropriate-level reading materials. Lending libraries make it possible for you to invite parents and students to choose books to read together at home. If you are interested in making a lending library a central part of your families’ school experience, reinforce the home-school connection, and encourage nightly reading at home, please contact Lectura Books for more information at: 1-877-LECTURA (1-877-532-8872) or send an email to:
One of the services provided by The Latino Family Literacy Project™ and Lectura books is to work with schools to build lending libraries for Pre-K, elementary, middle and high schools. The service includes the selection packaging, shipping of the library based on the needs of your school.

Books in Spanish and English for ELL / ESL programs
For example, for Pre-K, we review English-language and bilingual books from a wide array of national publishers. We compile the library according to the type of book and then provide the complete set to the school for its library.

The beauty of creating a lending library for students and their families is that it will help them get excited about school, reading, and vocabulary. It also provides schools with an opportunity to communicate with new parents and share appropriate-level reading materials. Lending libraries make it possible for you to invite parents and students to choose books to read together at home. If you are interested in making a lending library a central part of your families’ school experience, reinforce the home-school connection, and encourage nightly reading at home, please contact Lectura Books for more information at: 1-877-LECTURA (1-877-532-8872) or send an email to: